A Women's Role in Sustainable Development
International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on 08 March around the world, acknowledging women’s achievements, from political to social…
How much waste is too much?
When we dispose of our waste, it’s easy to forget about and believe that it’s no longer our concern. But the reality is, when we throw anything away…
Love Your Partner AND the Planet this Valentine's Day
Annually on February 14th several countries from around the world celebrate Valentine’s Day. Those in love take this opportunity to reaffirm how they feel…
How the Fashion Industry is Killing our Wetlands
World Wetlands Day is celebrated every year on 02 February, since 1971. The purpose of this day is to raise public awareness about the importance and value…
Make your 2019 New Year Resolution Count
New Year Resolution sustainable in 2019! Living more sustainably is all about making small changes, becoming more aware of the choices you make…
'Tis the Season to Be....Wasteful?
Christmas is when spending rises dramatically; from planned presents to emotional impulse shopping. The amount of products consumed and the resulting waste…
Let's Make Black Friday Green
Have you ever wondered what the relevance of Black Friday is...apart from being a great excuse for retailers worldwide to slash prices? Black Friday generates billions…
What does our future really look like?
An ever-growing demand for resources by a growing population is putting tremendous pressure on our planet’s biodiversity. What’s most concerning…